Friday, November 4, 2011

Restaurant Experience- Pre and Post Op

I was always a very hungry person, so I always ate a lot at every sitting. How much I ate when I went out would always depend on who I was with. If it was friends I would eat either before or after the meal and make sure I never got anything too "embarrassing", like fettuccine alfredo. If I was out with family we would always get an appetizer and then I would order something big, like pasta, and usually eat most of it.

The way I look at menus has changed drastically since I've gotten my sleeve. I used to look to find a way that I could eat as much as possible basically. I also never used to actively seek out healthy options per se when eating  out. I would usually get pasta with shrimp or a cheeseburger or something in that family. Before surgery I never felt full so that led me to seek out larger portions and to live my life focusing on satisfying my ever-constant hunger.

On a side note-- I was never one to skip breakfast. It would usually be 2 eggs and 2 pieces of wheat toast (I never understood people who skip breakfast..), but I would be hungry usually around 10 or 11am. If I didn't eat for more than a few hours I would get stomach pains, fatigue, lightheadness, and some irritability. It was almost as though I was going through withdrawal and it actually make me nervous sometimes. The general point is that I believe that my weight problem was due largely to my larger appetite which is very similar to my fathers. A lot of people (mostly skinny people or fat people who lost weight sitting in their high horse) like to say that genetics have little to with weight gain and that obesity is essentially a moral failing. I was never one to jump to genetics as an instant out but I have to say there definitely is SOME connection to obesity and genetics. I was always overweight growing up even though I was always active. Who knows...nature vs. nurture. I think it's some combination of the two, personally.

Back to the topic at hand- Post surgery I knew there was a high emphasis on eat protein first and getting in 70 + grams per day, so now I only order protein. Eggs, chicken, maybe beef, or seafood. Shrimp cocktails are a good meal or some simple chicken dish, some salad are nice so you can eat the chicken on top with some dressing and lettuce. Basically, I ONLY look for healthier dishes. Luckily, since I can eat so little I'm not always looking for low fat or low calorie options. I'll never to be able to eat the whole thing in one sitting so that's not my focus, protein in.

PS. If you are out at a less formal place, try to order a side of something. For example: I went to a place that sold mexican food and just ordered a side of grilled shrimp. My lunch was $3. :)

Has anyone else noticed a change in themselves when eating out or any pre-op who anticipate any changes or challenges when eating out? Please comment below!! :)


  1. Hey Phoebe -

    This is Jenni from Her Campus and we'd like to consider having you write a guest column, so can you send me your email? You didn't include it with the original message. Once I have that, we can discuss more. Thanks :)


  2. Hi Jenni. Sorry it took me so long to respond, I didn't get a notification about a comment. My email is That will forward to my personal email. I apologize for not including it originally!
